Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Inaugural First Post....

Hello there,

You're probably here to start off with because you know me, so i'm glad i've just said hello to you and not some random stranger. If you are a random stranger trawling the internet, probably because your job is really boring hello to you too.

Around a month ago, during the first day of the second test against Austrailia to be exact, I started writing letters to people. This was mainly because Q magazine had insulted me greatly with their poor reviewing skills and I was bored.

So after Q I wanted to write more, and it has grown from there, and now after my 20th letter was written today, i've decided to blog them for all to see.

There are a few things that you should know about me before you read on. First of all, I AM NOT A STUDENT, I was a student at one time in my life. I DO NOT HAVE ALOT OF TIME ON MY HANDS, I don't own a T.V or a console of any kind. So when you're sitting doing that, or gardening, or any other hobby, i'm writing letters, its a hobby.

Also I have other projects that I do with my housemates. If the stories of them need telling, I will fill you in on everything.

This site is designed for viewing pleasure, so please don't insult it, just love it, care for it, and take part. I'd love to hear from you.

Most importantly have a nice day, whatever you are doing.


John Kirby

P.S I like it when people reply to me