Friday, November 25, 2005

Review of a first recommendation.

Just finished reading Robin Cooper's "The tinctured letters"

All in all not a very good purchase, it is funny in places but there are a bits which really gripe me, the major one being that in every letter he makes something up so he is almost guaranteed a reply. Normally like "I have a great idea... Do you want to hear it." I'm sure if I shouted aloud in a pub that I've got a great way to make money legally, I'd have near on everyone's attention, and it is in this way he gets most of his replies.

Also his book is covered with quotes from famous 'funny people' such as Ricky Gervais (not funny) and those chaps from Little Britain (of which I only have respect for Matt Lucas, because he was George Dawes, the man with the scores). Now it might be all these quotes are because they like the book, or it might... MIGHT be because Robin Cooper is a producer (so I'm told) and has probably worked with these people. Or more accurately they have worked for him.

The other thing is the time it took to write the book. It began in 1999 and finished in 2004 and is a fairly small book. Not only do I not like the idea that this is not really a committed book, maybe just a few jots every so often, but its not really timewasting letters if you only send out letters every so often.

Anyway, this is not to say that I think I'm better than him and I've gone all up myself, its just my opinion on one mans work. I've got the sequel as well to make sure I think I'm right.

But having Ian D, a man I'm sure I've never met saying "Recommended viewing, john kirbys onelosthousemate blog, entertaining and enlightening. Thanks John" is surely a good advertisement for me!!!

onwards now to Henry Root's book if I can find it... Recommended by Radio maestro numero uno JJ - MFC