Sunday, February 26, 2006

Richard Peel

For anyone who doesn't know who Richard Peel is, and by crikey you should... please go now to

Richard Peel, when I sent him a letter was the man who had created Intense Sticker Warriors, which I had bought from the City Gallery in Leicester.

On His website it states....

I collect:
- Photocopied Comics
- Interesting Stickers
- Passport Photos

If you send me these I can send you:
- Photocopied Comics
- Interesting Stickers
- A Passport Photo
(probably of me,
and just one, so it isn't weird)

Send your swapsies to:

Richard Peel,
PO Box 7129,
LE2 7XQ,
United Kingdom

E-mail ahead so I can let you know what your swap will get you,
otherwise I will send what I think is a fair trade.

Now after the gift of Intense Sticker Warriors, which is still being enjoyed on a regular basis today it would have been rude not to send him a nice letter, and all the bits and bobs he desired.

So i did, I gathered what I could and made Richard Peel the best damn package he'd ever receive, unless that cup from Last Crusade came through the post.

PS I stress, go to look at everything and then buy a comic or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5. They really are that good.

and now it won't let me put up the letter, so i guess now is a good time to stop with the posts for a while

In short

I bought a copy of your missus is a nutter by Goldie Lookin Chain...

and sent it to the Duke of Edinburgh

I have a problem with chinese people...

But only a few of them, so don't start calling me a racist.

When we moved into our beautiful house, it would appear it was left in a hasty state because the chinese people who lived here before us chalked up debts somewhere near that of the third world.

So after a few months of being told Mr Wong lived in my room, and after i'd searched high and low in my room, it was time to set Tiscali straight.

(Incidently they haven't sent another letter since.)

In all the excitement.

I forgot to tell you that I wrote a letter to Charles Kennedy, because Tony Blair never replied.

My political stance in turmoil, this is a cry for help... and then he leaves doesn't he!

Thank god there isn't an election for a while.

A Letter to Kent County Council...

because where is the shire.... Kent has to be the worst of all the county sounds, it doesn't rhyme, you can't put it into songs, and everyone thinks its funny to call it C**T.

One for the students...

Think about how much damage you are doing to your body drinking everyday. I don't mean just drinking in general.

During my time at university, I drank some hideous shit, and did some very silly things, none of which I really regret, but alas I do think about what damage I have done to my internal organs.

I think I may have taken a year or two off my life, which isn't really George Best esque, but thats a whole year I won't be able to play Football Manager 2069 on the new super duper PC.

I'm dying in 2069 by the way, natural causes. You've ruined your body, or your in the process of doing it now. HOW MUCH warning do you get? Drink in moderation. But surely if you set yourself a target of a bottle of vodka a day, then that is your moderation, and you'll end up looking like grotbags by the time your 27.

Its time to get crazy warnings on beer too, lets educate the chavs, so they know when there going to die, and then we can take X amount of joy in it.

This is my letter to Coors Brewers, demanding compensation

Lilets, the best a woman should get...

Lilets are nice aren't they, especially if you're a man, because you never really have to worry about them.

If there not needed, then your life carries on as usual, if you see a new active pack about (and your a taken man) you know its time to fire up the PS2 and stick it out for however long is needed.

Incidently if you're a single man you don't have to worry about them at all, unless you've pulled and you find out there is something in your way...

anyway... I made it my mission to think about lilets, and I came up with some pretty sweet ideas for how to improve the product. It was easy really.

Midland Mainline Reply...

Its quite possibly the nicest letter reply i've ever had to anything ever, but alas there was no prize involved, so your probably not that interested!