Wednesday came around of the Nice or Nasty poll, and all was going well.
We had a number of entrants by that time, people seemed to be having fun with the whole poll idea and it was making us smile as well.
Well that morning I didn't have to be at work til 12 and I was up early when the postman knocked very early.
There was a very strange looking package for me.
it was almost a perfect square....
and i opened it up....
and it was from Tunnocks....
a lovely letter as well, confirming what the packaging meant, but whats this.... after the blurb of thanks for your interest in the product. Holy s**t. They had only sent me a Tunnocks engraved edinburgh crystal cut whisky glass (and thats quite a mouthful)
I couldn't quite believe that not only had someone read my letter but someone had taken the time to reply and send me something pretty damn awesome.
To be honest I was very very very happy. I text just about everyone, including
people who thought no one would reply in a million years. But then I had a call
downstairs from my housemate Paddy.
"there is someone at the door for you from the Leicester Mercury"
For those of you who don't know, the leicester mercury is leicestershires daily newspaper. Apparently one of the editors lives on my road and was very interested in the nice or nasty poll. So I made my new found friend Gary a cup of tea and told him all the stuff i had been up to recently. He didnt seem to impressed and was convinced i was a no good student. He left saying if he had room it would go in, but i knew really i hadnt sold it to him that well at all.
But Nice and Nasty wasn't about media coverage and being famous for 5 minutes. Or was it? I sent Mike all the info, and within 4 hours we had our next flyer to send out urging people to get in contact with us.
and i was late for work.